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Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Rasa-Rasa Johor is a blog that i've created that consist of the collection of Johor traditional food recipes and cooking blog for those who love to try the simple and easy delicious and marvelous Johor foods. Rasa-Rasa Johor also offered simple, authentic, and tested recipes that i got from my moms. I also included the pictures of each dishes in each recipes . In addition, i also wish that the recipes can be share with others, besides introducing the delicious foods of Johor Malaysia in the world.
Monday, October 5, 2009

Mee banndung is one of my favourite dishes..
I love mee bandung so much because of the delicious taste and you can tase of the "udang kering".yummmmmmyyyyyyy.. :P
. My moms always cook it especially when we have a family gathering or open house..
I raelly enjoy the mee bandng that my moms cook..Hopefully you guys can try to make it refering to the recipe that ive already post..
hehe :)
1) 1.6 kg Yellow noodles
2) 250g Chicken, cooked, shredded
3) 200g Prawns, cooked and peeled
4) 3 Sunny Side-up eggs
5) 400g Beansprouts, blanched
1) 3 ltr Water
2) 100g Shallots, peeled, sliced
3) 60g Garlic, peeled, sliced
4) 80g Ginger, crushed
5) 90g Chinese celery, sliced
6) 100g Ripe tomatoes, sliced
7) 40g Beef Broth
50g Prawn Cube
9) 200g Tomato ketchup
10) 45g Chilli paste
11) 50g Sugar
12) 1 Egg white
1) 40g Spring onions, sliced
2) 40g Chinese celery, sliced
3) 30g Red/green chillies, sliced
4) 50g Shallots, sliced, fried
5) 10 Key lime (calamansi will be better)
The Method:
Mee Bandung Gravy
Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add in sliced shallots, garlic, local celery, tomatoes and crushed ginger. Reduce to low heat and simmer for 3-5 minutes.
Add in beef broth , prawn cube, tomato ketchup and chilli boh. Stir well and adjust seasoning with sugar to taste.
Simmer for 5 minutes and strain.
Put the pot holding the gravy back on the stove and gradually add in beaten egg white. Remove and keep warm. To serve:
Blanch yellow noodles in a pot of boiling water for a few seconds.
Remove, strain and place it into serving bowls.
Add in sliced fish cake and blanched beansprouts.
Pour in hot Bandung gravy and garnish with shredded chicken, sliced spring onions, local celery, chillies, fried shallots and calamansi.
Serve hot.
Tahu Bakar is a simple snack like rojak or goreng pisang.The crunchiness of the tofu and the gravy of the sos will melting in your mouth and you will addicted with the taste! hehe....I bet to all of you to try it, because it soooo delicios...yyyuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy...Besides that, it easy to serve, and for those who like to try the tastefull of tahu bakar you can try it according to the recipes that i've got from my moms.. hope you like it..gud luck! :)
4 kpg tahu
100 gm taugeh
1/2 btg timun
1/2 biji sengkuang
* 3 sb lada boh / lada giling
* 1 ulas bawang putih dititik
* 2 sb gula merah
* 1 sb gula pasir
* 3 sb air asam jawa
* 2 cwn air
* sedikit garam
* 1 sb bijan digoreng tanpa minyak
* kacang tanah tumbuk utk tabur atas tauhu
How to serve:
1) Bake the tofu and put it away
2) Put "taugeh" in the boiling water about 15 second
3) Chop the cucumber and "sengkuang" ans cook the * ingredient until it become sticky.
4) The consistency depend on your taste but it will be more better if you made the sos become thicky because the tofu willproduce a water.
5)While the sos was already done, put some sesame into it, then switch off the kitchen.
6) Slice the tofu into 4 or six pieces, then put all the ingradient inside it. lastly, you can pour the sos into it.

Kacang pool is a simple dishes that i like to eat. It is a simple and delicious dishes in johor. I always eat as a breakfast and we can eat it with bread or france bread. I like to share my moms kacang pool recipes because i thought every one can try it. We just need a basic ingradient to make it.
*4 tin kacang foul (atau rendam kacang parang semalaman dan rebus hingga empuk - then kisar separuh kasar separuh halus - terpulang)
*1 tin kecil minyak sapi
Ingredient that need to be blanded:
* 1 sdm ketumbar - di sangar
* 1/2 sdm jintan manis - di sangar
* 1/4 sdm jintan putih - di sangar
* 3 biji bawang besar
* 2 biji bawang putih
* garam & gula secukup rasa
Kacang pool topper:
* Bawang besar & tomato (potong dadu)
* Lada hijau (dihiris)
* Limau kasturi (dibelah dua)
* Telur goreng mata lembu (make sure goreng ngan minyak sapi)
How to serve:
1) Panaskan minyak sapi di campur ngan sedikit minyak makan dlm periuk
2) Tumis bahan2 yg di kisar hingga naik bau.
3) Masukkan kacang parang yg sudah di mesin dan rasa garamnya dan tunggu hingga mendidih
4) Hidangkan dgn bahan2 taburan dan sedikit minyak sapi di atasnya dan beberapa keping roti perancis

u can try it in
Air Katira
During Ramadahan my family and i love to breaking our fast with Air Katira. The tastefull of Air Katira have their own uniqe taste. In this blog, i put a pictres of it to show it to you guy the features of Air Katira. To taste it, you can try it by your self according to the recipe that i've give.. Hopefully you can enjoy the peaceful taste of Katira's and serve it during ramadan soon..
Disediakan lebih awal:
Didihkan 2 cawan gula dalam 3 cawan air.
Masukkan 1 helai daun pandan, hingga larut gulanya.
1 cbsr kathira - direndam semalaman, buangkan kekotoran dan ditapis.Dibilas dengan air masak, ditapis lagi.
10 butir kembang semangkuk - direndam semalaman buangkan biji dan kulit.Ditapis, bilas dengan air masak dan ditapis lagi.
1 sudu besar rata biji selasih - direndam dalam air masak hingga ia mengembang, kemudian ditapis lagi.1
tin susu cair (sejat)- 'evaporated milk' - (410 g)
1 cawan sirap
6 cawan air
1 sudu teh air mawar
How to serve:
Dalam sebuah mangkuk besar, masukkan katira, kamang semangkuk dan biji selasih. Tuangkan sirap, air susu dan air mawar. Dikacau rata. Masukkanketulan air batu atau air batu yang dihancurkan dan dihidangkan.
Hopefully you can try it.. :)
Sunday, October 4, 2009

As noodles lover, I have chosen to share Curry Mee to u guys. Curry Mee or also known as Curry Laksa (in the Southern part of Malaysia and its neighbouring country, Singapore) is a popular hawker’s dish. Curry Mee/Curry Laksa is a dish that’s full of flavours–slightly creamy soup infused with coconut milk, the spiciness of the chilli and fragrance of spices; never fails to satisfy my appetite to have it for breakfast or lunch. It has been too long since the last time I had Curry Mee. So, I am delighted to share this my moms curry me recipe…

Recipe: Curry Laksa/Curry Mee
600g shelled cockles
500g prawns, steamed and shelled; use the heads to sweeten the stock by liquidising them with 500ml water
3 to 4 pieces soaked cuttlefish heads
200g fried soya bean cubes/tow pok (halved or quartered)
300g shredded, cooked chicken meat
500g blanched bean sprouts
600g blanched yellow noodles
300g blanched vermicelli/rice sticks
1kg grated coconut, mixed with 4 litres water and squeezed for the coconut milk to be used as main stock
4 tbsp salt or to taste
1 1/2 tbsp rock sugar
1/2 tbsp MSG (optional)
Spices (finely ground):
100g shallots
25g garlic
3 tbsp coriander seeds
4 tbsp chilli paste
2 tbsp sliced lemon grass
10 peppercorns
1/2 tbsp belacan (Malaysian shrimp paste) granules
Chili oil:
110g chili paste
25g garlic, pounded
175ml to 200ml oil
Heat 1/2 cup oil to saute the spices till fragrant. Add in salt, rock sugar and 500ml general santan and bring to a low boil till sugar dissolves. Add in the coconut milk. When soup comes to a boil, add prawn stock and seasoning, then bring to just boiling point. Remove from fire and use stock as a soup for the yellow noodles and vermicelli. (Should the gravy or stock curdle, strain it.)
For the chili oil: Saute garlic and chili paste in oil until the chili disintegrates and oil floats to the surface. (Use this to garnish when serving.)
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Assam Pedas Muar, or literally “sour spicy,” is a classic Malaysian dish. Ask any home cooks in Malaysia–Malay, Chinese, or Indian–and you are bound to get various recipes for Assam Pedas. Everyone has their own interpretation for this favorite dish and there are endless adaptations; suffice it to say, it’s sour, fiery hot, and tastes extraordinarily satisfying.

Much like nasi lemak(yummy... :P), if you haven’t tried Assam Pedas, it’s very hard to describe just how wonderful this is. I hope my pictures and recipe do it justice.
Recipe: Assam Pedas Pomfret
1 pomfret (1/2 pound to 1 pound)
10 small okras
1 tomato (cut into wedges)
1 teaspoon of fish curry powder/turmeric powder
2 sprigs of daun kesum (Vietnamese mint/Vietnames coriander)
5 tablespoons of cooking oil
1 tablespoon of palm sugar/sugar
Salt to taste
Spice Paste:
1 clove garlic
1 stalk of lemon grass (white part only)
4 shallots
8-10 dried chillies (depends how spicy you like)
1/2 tablespoon of belacan (prawn paste)
Tamarind Juice
1 1/4 cup of water
Tamarind pulp (size of a small ping pong ball)
Pound the spice paste with mortar and pestle or grind them in a food processor. Set aside.
Soak the tamarind pulp in warm water for 15 minutes. Squeeze the tamarind pulp constantly to extract the flavor into the water. Drain the pulp and save the tamarind juice.
Heat oil and fry the spice paste for 2 minutes or until fragrant.
Add the tamarind juice, fish curry powder/turmeric powder and bring to boil.
Add the tomato wedges and okras and bring to boil.
Add the fish, salt, and palm sugar/sugar.
Simmer on low heat for 5 minutes or until the fish is cooked.
Serve hot.

This pineaplle tarte is the main kueh raye that my mom always make during hari raye..Hari raye will not be complete if my moms didnt bake is the famost kueh among my family and johorean..
Pineapple Tarts Recipe
Adapted from Fresh from the Oven
(Makes 24 tarts)
For the pasty filling:
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 sticks butter/8 oz./1 cup/225 grams (I used Challenge brand, which is recommended by Saveur magazine as one of the best butter brands in the US)
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 egg yolks
4 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar/icing sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon vegetable shortening (optional but it will make the tarts extra crumbly)
1 egg yolk (lightly beaten for egg wash)
For the pineapple filling:
2 cans (20 oz can) sliced pineapples
10 tablespoons sugar (more or less to taste)
1 teaspoon cornstarch (mixed with 1 teaspoon water)
Using low to medium heat, cook the drained crushed pineapple and sugar until most liquid has evaporated, and the filling turned golden. Stirring constantly using a wooden spoon to avoid burning. Taste, and add more sugar when needed. Add in the cornstarch to thicken the mixture. Set aside and let it cool in the fridge.
Sieve the flour, corn flour, salt and sugar into a medium bowl. Beat butter in a mixer until it turns light in color and fluffy. Add in egg yolks until well combined. Slowly beat in the flour mixture until just combined.
Divide the pastry dough and pineapple filling each into 24 equal rounds. Flatten the pastry dough with the palms and put the pineapple filling in the middle and use the dough to cover the filling. Use your palms to round it up and then shape it into a roll about 1.5 inch long. Use a fork to make criss-cross patterns on the tart and then brush it with the egg wash.
Preheat the oven for 350F and bake for 20-25 minutes or until light brown.
My shortcuts:
For the butter, my mom didn’t cream it with the electronic hand mixer. She nuked it in the microwave for 10 seconds and then mix everything together with hands. I know this is not the best shortcut because the heat in the butter might “cook” the flour.
For the pineapple filling, drain the pineapple slices and then squeeze the extra water/juice with your hands. If you don’t, it’s going to take you an hour or more to make the pineapple filling.
My mom usually didn’t crush the pineapple slices manually, she just dropped them into a mini food processor and blend them for 10 seconds.
She didn’t use low to medium heat to cook the pineapple fillings. I
She just use high heat (but stir continuously) and then lower to medium heat. Because she don’t have patience for low heat. hehhe :)
Note: Please use the shortcuts above with caution. It worked out for my mom and me, but I would advise you to follow the proper instructions instead of cheating like I did. ;)

Do try out my Soto Ayam recipe and experience it for yourself! It is one of my favourite food that my moms always cook for my family... :)
Recipe: Soto Ayam
Serves 8-10
2 chicken whole legs or breasts (bone-in)
2 big red onions
5 garlic
2in ginger
4-spices (1 star anise seed, 3 cloves, 3 cardamon & 1-inch cinnamon stick)
Rinsed 5 cups water
1/3 cup coconut milk
Salt and sugar to taste
5 tablespoons vegetable oil
1. Grind onion, garlic and ginger in the blender.
2. In a pot, heat the oil and add the 4-spices until fragrant. Add in the gounded ingredients and stir continuosly until fragrant.
3. Add water and chicken, let it boil. About 30 min.
4. Take the chicken out and let them cool.
5. Add coconut milk into the pot together with salt and sugar to taste. If necessary, add another cup of water.
6. In the meantime, shred the meat of the chicken and add them back into the pot together with the bones. Let it boil for another 15-20min. Serve hot with rice cakes/nasi impit (cut into bite-sized cubes) or vermicelli and bean sprouts.
When my moms make Nasi Ambeng, she usally take the following things with the nasi:
- Ayam goreng
- Rendang
- Sambal Goreng
- Begedil
She will have on the side, ulam (cucumber, tomatoes, four winged beans, ulam raja and pengaga) and sambal belacan and also masak lemak sayur rampai.
On the rice, ahe will have thinly slices of omelette and abun (beef floss)
The Rice
My moms usually like the rice to be fragrant. So when she boil the rice in the rice cooker, she will always include at least a pandan leave nad also added a lemon grass.
Ayam Goreng
1 large chicken cut into 12 pieces at least
half cup powdered turmeric
quarter cup chilli powder
soya sauce
salt if the soya sauce is not salty enough
powdered or minced garlic
Put all ingredients on chicken and set it for at least half hour. Deep fry until cooked through
Begedil (Potato Balls)
1kg of potatoes
1 large egg beaten
Cut potato into long slices and Fry them. Mash the fried potatoes Add salt and pepper and cumin. Make into small balls. Dip into beaten eggs and deep fry.
Coconut milk from 2 coconuts
1 kg of beef
6 onions
1 bulb of garlic
6 to 8 candlenuts
2 inches of galangal
4 inches of ginger
A handful of dried chillies (soaked first)
Blend these ingredient except the beef and coconut milk
3 indonesian/malay bay leaves (daun salam)
1 large Turmeric leave
5 Kafir Lime leaves
2 crushed lemon grass
The juice from 12 calamansi
4 tables spoon of brown sugar or palm sugar
Saute the blended ingredients, until it looks slightly crispy. Add beef and thin coconut milk. Add lemon grass. Leave it until the gravy is thick. Add thick coconut milk and calamansi juice and sugar. Salt to taste. Leave it until it is dry. In order to keep it warm, I transfer the rendang to an oven proof dish and put it in low heat over. It will help dry the rendang further....
Sambal goreng
150g beef - cut into small pieces
Chicken liver from one chicken - cut into small pieces
2 bean curd - cut into small cubes
2 fermented soy bean - cut into small pieces
3 onion
half bulb garlic
1 lemongrass
2inches galangal
4 inches ginger
15 pieces of prawn
1 green chilli
1 red chilli
Dry chillies - soaked
Palm sugar
half cup thick coconut milk
Prawn paste (belacan)
Fry each ingrediend separately. Blend prawn past and chilli. Saute it until it looks crispy. Add in coconut milk, sugar. Then add in all the fried ingredients.

1 kg spaghetti
1 kg ikan parang
Santan kelapa
3 sudu besar rempah kari ikan
4 sudu besar minyak
Bahan2 kisar :-
Udang basah
Udang kering
10 tangkai cili kering
6 ulas bawang putih
2 ulas bawang merah
Bahan tumis :-
Kulit kayu manis
1 biji bunga lawang
2 biji bunga cengkih
Ulam-ulaman :-
Timun (potong bulat nipis)
Bunga kantan
Daun kesum
Bawang besar
Limau kasturi
Sambal belacan (as usual)
How to serve :-
1. Rebus ikan & ambil isinya, kisar.
2. Panaskan minyak & tumis bahan2 tumis.
3. Masukkan bahan2 kisar & rempah kari.
4. Masak hinga naik minyak.
5. Masukkan santan, ikan, udang kering & udang basah yang telah dikisar halus.
6. Kacau perlahan2 hingga mendidih.
7. Masukkan kerisik & garam.
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