Tahu Bakar is a simple snack like rojak or goreng pisang.The crunchiness of the tofu and the gravy of the sos will melting in your mouth and you will addicted with the taste! hehe....I bet to all of you to try it, because it soooo delicios...yyyuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy...Besides that, it easy to serve, and for those who like to try the tastefull of tahu bakar you can try it according to the recipes that i've got from my moms.. hope you like it..gud luck! :)
4 kpg tahu
100 gm taugeh
1/2 btg timun
1/2 biji sengkuang
* 3 sb lada boh / lada giling
* 1 ulas bawang putih dititik
* 2 sb gula merah
* 1 sb gula pasir
* 3 sb air asam jawa
* 2 cwn air
* sedikit garam
* 1 sb bijan digoreng tanpa minyak
* kacang tanah tumbuk utk tabur atas tauhu
How to serve:
1) Bake the tofu and put it away
2) Put "taugeh" in the boiling water about 15 second
3) Chop the cucumber and "sengkuang" ans cook the * ingredient until it become sticky.
4) The consistency depend on your taste but it will be more better if you made the sos become thicky because the tofu willproduce a water.
5)While the sos was already done, put some sesame into it, then switch off the kitchen.
6) Slice the tofu into 4 or six pieces, then put all the ingradient inside it. lastly, you can pour the sos into it.
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